Alison Davies

Alison Davies

Principal Associate

  • Cambridge
  • +(44)(0)1223 222443
  • +(44)(0)7771 564534
  • Contact Alison

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What can Alison do for you?

Alison specialises in complex PPP projects and other long-term partnering contracts.  Her work includes advising the Ministry of Defence on the outsourcing of technical and logistics services.  Alison also supports the Defence Infrastructure Organisation on its land service delivery partner programme, universities on student accommodation nomination agreements, NHS Trusts on performance-related issues under PFI contracts and contract variations.

Supporting your ambitions

An example of Alison's current work includes working as part of the team supporting the Ministry of Defence with the development of its multi billion-pound programme to provide communications and information systems for use in tactical environments.  Drawing on her experience and judgement to achieve a beneficial commercial agreement, Alison helped the client to focus on key service and operational requirements and to develop a robust but balanced KPI and incentivisation regime.  Alison is supporting this client on the roll-out of related competed services under the programme.

What do others say?

Alison helped an NHS Trust client on its two PFI contracts for the delivery of elderly infirm and medium secure care facilities.  They said that working with her had been “an overwhelmingly positive experience,” that the quality of the service was “excellent” and described her as “personable – you could have a laugh with her”.

What else should you know?

Alison was seconded to the government’s Central Legal Services for six months based in Abbey Wood, Bristol. This was a great opportunity to get to know the legal team, how they work and to understand their internal approvals’ processes.

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