Clive Levontine

Clive Levontine


  • London
  • +(44)(0)20 7648 5260
  • +(44)(0)7710902983
  • Contact Clive

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What can Clive do for you?

Clive is a real estate partner with a wide ranging practice. He acts primarily for commercial and residential property investors and developers on both the acquisition and disposal of sites and the management and strategy to maximise the returns. He is frequently instructed to advise on complex property disputes and has particular expertise on valuation issues and disputes.

Supporting your ambitions

Clive uses his expertise to identify the commercial and strategic objectives and to achieve and deliver those objectives as quickly and economically as possible. Recent examples include inventing tactics that persuaded a London Borough to voluntarily release a client's land from a restrictive covenant to enable a substantial mixed commercial and residential development, devising structures that enable a ground rent investor to realise the potential development potential on the roofs of a number of builings, and organising a large group of tenants to fund and acquire the freeholds of 250 flats near Olympia.

What do others say?

"You are able to reduce complex law and issues into clear and easily understandable advice".

What else should you know?

Clive's outside interests are as varied as his practice. He is an ardent supporter of Leyton Orient FC and a patron of the Almeida Theatre. Both require a sense of humour which, wherever possible and appropriate, Clive likes to bring to his work and relationship with his clients!

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