Joanna Grandfield

Joanna Grandfield


  • London
  • +(44)(03443 276252
  • 0750470 764
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What can Joanna do for you?

Joanna is a specialist financial and children lawyer who heads up the firm's London family team. A trained barrister who is also a mediator and collaborative lawyer, her work involves advising clients with complex financial and children issues arising from family breakdown. She also drafts and advises on wealth protection issues such as pre and post marital agreements.

Supporting your ambitions

As a partner in a top family law firm, legal expertise is a given. Joanna takes the time not only to get to grips with the legal complexities but also to understand what clients really want and how they want to get there, working together to formulate a strategy and create a team to achieve it.

Leading counsel commented, Joanna is: "Really bright and talented. She is really competent and not at all fazed by the numbers. She is very resourceful in terms of bringing together disciplines to manage cases at that level, she can bring together all of that".

What do others say?

"A tremendous asset...Calm, assured, diligent and clearly very knowledgeable, Joanna performed superbly throughout the proceedings." A client

"Commercially astute and extremely personable. She knows what she is doing at every stage of the process and is fearless in a battle". Chambers UK

"Brilliant and has a steely determination to do the best for her clients". Legal 500



What else should you know?

Joanna takes a particular interest in mental health and has acted as trustee for a start up charity looking to provide services to children and young people. She has also been a school governor and academy director.

She is also a mother of two and a lamentable cook.


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