Holly Morrison-Carter

Holly Morrison-Carter


  • Manchester
  • +(44)(0)16234 8813
  • 07884092718
  • Contact Holly

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Holly is a specialist healthcare lawyer. She specialises in patient-related matters, particularly those relating to deprivations of liberty, mental capacity and best interests. Holly has experience in a range of healthcare matters, including Court of Protection proceedings, proceedings under the inherent jurisdiction of the High Court, judicial reviews and inquests.

What can Holly do for you?

Holly appreciates how busy clients working in the healthcare sector are, and she understands the importance of providing robust and to-the-point advice.

Holly has experience in working on complex and time-sensitive matters, such as serious medical treatment cases, that require urgent applications to court.

What do others say?

Following an inquest, a client said: "Your hard work, conduct and communication is testimony to your professionalism and standards."

A client in a Court of Protection case said: "You’ve made the process much less daunting and provided so much help and guidance."

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