Nicolas Oldham

Nicolas Oldham


  • London
  • +(44)(0)20 7648 9246
  • +(44)(0)78 5075 6687
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What can Nicolas do for you?

Nik leads the construction and engineering risk practice. He has 30 years' experience defending professional indemnity claims. The last 20 years have been spent exclusively defending construction professionals in all arenas and has, from its infancy, been a huge advocate of mediation. Nik is appointed coverage counsel in this country and abroad including Australia, Canada and Turkmenistan. 

Supporting your ambitions

Nik understands that an insured client's claims experience is the insurers "shop window". Nik works collaboratively  with claims adjusters, insureds, counsel and experts to form a defence team that will quickly indentify the issues and establish, where posssible, how best to resolve the dispute. Nik povides strong, practical and commercial advice that assists in determining a settlement strategy with which the insured and insurer are content. Nik is not afraid to advise that a case should not be settled and testament to this is him leading a team to success in the Supreme Court (Higgins v Aspect Contracts).

What do others say?

"Nik Oldham has first-class legal acumen"

"Strong technical skills provide the platform for an innovative and commercially focused approach."

"Nik's ability to build up trust and rapport enables messages to be conveyed quickly and effectively and is a major contribution to the facilitation of the settlement of complex and multi party disputes."

Nik "explores every avenue to resist ambitious claims"

What else should you know?

Nik was a junior black belt Judo champion - he says it taught him to be strategic in defence and how to master a timely attack! 

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