Stephen Atkinson

Stephen Atkinson

Principal Associate

  • Birmingham
  • +(44)(0)12456 8442
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What can Stephen do for you?

Stephen advises on a wide range of succession planning and taxation issues, helping to protect family wealth across generations. This typically includes wills and trusts, tax advice, family business planning, mental capacity issues and estate administration.

Mills & Reeve are market leaders in estate planning through Family Investment Companies and Stephen is at the forefront of this planning.

Supporting your ambitions

Family Investment Companies enable clients to pass significant wealth to the next generation, while retaining control and protecting their assets. The team have unrivalled experience and have established many companies with clients investing more than £100 million.

What do others say?

"Thank you very much for this comprehensive response to my queries and an unerringly accurate summary of the points discussed. It was a great relief meeting you and hearing your answers on the day so clearly explained. I greatly regret not approaching you in the first place".

"Not only has Stephen been professional, he has acted with integrity and honesty"

What else should you know?

Stephen is a member of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners having completed the STEP Diploma in 2009. He is also a member of the Law Society Private Client Section.

Before travelling the world for two years, Stephen was a research chemist developing linear medium density polyethylenes for the rotational moulding industry.

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