Caroline Clay

Caroline Clay


  • Leeds
  • +(44)(0)11388 8272
  • Contact Caroline

    Contact Caroline Clay

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What can Caroline do for you?

Caroline is an associate in our private client team having qualified in February 2023. She's helped advise clients on their wills, lasting powers of attorney and has had exposure to court of protection applications, such as deputyship and statutory wills. Caroline also has experience with applications for probate and the administration of estates involving agricultural and business property.

Supporting your ambitions

In her previous role, Caroline worked closely with a client following her relocation from the USA to the UK after the loss of her husband. The advice Caroline gave this client enabled the client to put in place effective planning to meet her goals. The client subsequently returned to Caroline for advice on lasting powers of attorney, which she was able to help with after having established a good client relationship.

What do others say?

“Caroline Clay dealt with a Grant of Probate for us…she made us feel at ease at a difficult time and kept things very simple and straightforward. We felt listened to and well looked after.”

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