Claire Loveday

Claire Loveday

Senior Claims Handler

  • Norwich
  • +(44)(0)1603 693323
  • +(44)(0)7436 810829
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What can Claire do for you?

Claire provides a claims handling service to a wide range of professionals, including dentists, surgeons, financial advisers, accountants, architects, and estate/property agents. Claire's work includes providing advice to both insurer and insured clients, and dealing with claims across all three tracks. Claire's current work includes dealing with claims against dentists, pension claims and interest only mortgage claims.

Supporting my clients' ambitions

Claire uses her experience of the financial services sector to successfully defend pension claims involving Defined Benefit and Defined Contribution pensions (including Unregulated Collective Investment Schemes, pension transfers and mis-selling complaints). Claire also produces a weekly update for colleagues and external clients, utilising her regulatory risk and legal background, and has provided seminars for clients and the local Chartered Insurance Institute. To introduce change in the financial services sector, Claire has worked closely with the financial service regulators, the Financial Ombudsman Service, the Law Commission and the Association of British Insurers concerning changes affecting both life and general insurance. 

What do others say?

"I am grateful too for your educated and experienced strategy. That too has proven its worth".

Supporting my client's ambitions

Claire uses her extensive experience in the financial services sector to successfully defend pension claims and complaints involving Defined Benefit and Defined Contribution pensions (including UCIS, pension transfers and mis-selling complaints).  Claire provides webinars and seminar for clients and the local Chartered Insurance Institute.  To introduce change in the financial services sector, Claire has worked closely with the financial services regulators, the Financial Ombudsman Service, the Law Commission and the Association of British Insurers.  

What do others say?

"I am grateful too for your educated and experienced strategy.  That too has proven its worth".

"I really appreciate what you have been doing for me".



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