Matthew Short

Matthew Short


  • Norwich
  • +(44)(0)1603 693260
  • Contact Matthew

    Contact Matthew Short

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What can Matthew do for you?

Matthew helps clients understand how tax impacts their transactions and affairs. He focusses on real estate and corporate taxation, regularly advising on property acquisitions, development and portfolio management, as well as corporate M&A and funds work. 

He works across multiple sectors and for a wide variety of clients, including landlords, developers, universities, financial institutions, charities, local authorities, and pension funds. 

Supporting my clients' ambitions

Matthew enjoys bringing a fresh perspective to his clients tax issues. Tax can be a confusing and complex area, and Matthew uses his years of practical experience and insight to demystify it - helping clients consider the detail, but retaining focus on their commercial objectives.  
Whether it be a charity considering making a complex investment, a landlord looking to re-gear a lease, or a pension fund considering a large scale development, ensuring that complex tax issues are explained properly to our clients, and that they understand the risks and issues, means Matthew can help them to achieve the best outcome. 

What do others say?

Matthew is consistently praised by clients for his technical analysis – but also his ability to help make difficult judgment calls.   

He is listed in The Legal 500. 

What else should you know?

Given his special interests in real estate and charity taxation, Matthew is a member of the Stamp Taxes Practitioners Group (a body comprising leading stamp taxes professionals as members) and an Observer Member of the Charity Tax Group. 

Outside work, Matthew is a keen cyclist, reader, traveller and guitar player. 


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