Neil Ward

Neil Ward


  • Birmingham
  • +(44)(0)12456 8202
  • +44(0)7918287141
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What can Neil do for you?

Neil has over 20 years’ experience in health law. His particular expertise is in advising clients at inquests and on Mental Capacity Act issues. He has advised on high profile and complex serious medical treatment cases, Court of Protection cases, including deprivation of liberty challenges, complex hospital discharges and disputes on the provision of community care.

Supporting your ambitions

Inquests are becoming increasingly complex. Media attention can bring reputational risk to organisations. The process is also highly stressful for the witnesses whose professional judgements are often being questioned. Neil brings an empathetic and caring approach to support individuals and organisations through the process.

In his Court of Protection work, Neil seeks to bring a conciliatory and sensible approach in often highly fraught and emotionally charged cases. He works with clients to ensure their views are properly understood by the Court but seeks to build rapport with the other parties so that where possible a pragmatic solution can be found.

What else should you know?

Neil has many years of experience in delivering training to clients through seminars, lectures and webinars. His engaging and personable style mean that he is popular with clients to provide training in his areas of expertise.


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