Peter Rout

Peter Rout


  • Cambridge
  • +(44)(0)1223 222554
  • +(44)(0)7484 534105
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What can Peter do for you?

Peter is a specialist in long term major infrastructure projects with over 25 years’ experience helping clients from the public and private sectors, including funders. His work has encompassed a broad range of sectors including roads, hospitals, schools, waste, sports stadia, defence accommodation and light rail infrastructure. Peter is involved in projects at all stages of their life cycle.

Supporting your ambitions

Key to his work is an understanding of the often diverse behavioural drivers of the stakeholders in a project (including their  governance requirements, core objectives and attitude to risk) .Peter is able to draw upon a wide range of potential approaches and solutions either directly or by analogy from other sectors as well as that sector most directly associated with the Project. This enables him to take a pro-active role  in multi-disciplinary teams to facilitate and develop a 3600 approach to the particular demands of each Project and the development or ‘brokering’ of ‘fit for purpose’ solutions.

What do others say?

“Consultant Peter Rout, …. specialises in long-term infrastructure projects; clients note that ‘his negotiation and drafting skills are head and shoulders above just about anyone else in the sector’.” Legal 500 2017

What else should you know?

Peter has been fortunate to have experienced life as both provider and purchaser of legal advice. His career  includes having been Head of Legal Services for a major UK Contractor,  Head of Legal to the Olympic Delivery Authority (2005/2006 on secondment), a PFI SPV Director and Commercial & Financial Consultant to TfGM on its £1.5bn Metrolink Expansion Project.

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