Ravi Francis

Ravi Francis


  • London
  • +(44)(0)20 7648 5262
  • 07788339332
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What can Ravi do for you?

Ravi is a private client/tax lawyer acting for a mixture of UK-based and international high/ultra-high net worth clients. His clients include wealthy families and their advisers, owner-managers of family businesses, professional fiduciaries and financial institutions.

Ravi advises on a broad range of subjects, which tend to centre around UK tax law and the law governing trusts and other wealth-holding structures.

Supporting your ambitions

  • Tax planning (including residency, domicile and double taxation agreements) for clients moving to/ leaving the UK to minimise taxes, including strategic advice on successive "non-dom" reforms.
  • Advising a rapidly growing multi-million pound business to design and implement holding structures for personal and business wealth. Included advice on the taxation of UK/offshore trusts and companies, and tax reliefs available for business assets.
  • Supporting individuals, businesses and fiduciaries on UK taxation, and structuring of blockchain-based businesses, personal crypto assets, and succession/estate planning considerations surrounding digital assets.
  • Supporting the design/implementation of a multi-generational estate plan and governance structure for a UK-based billionaire.

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