Tamsin Anderson

Tamsin Anderson

Professional Support Lawyer

  • Cambridge
  • +(44)(0)1223 222511
  • Contact Tamsin

    Contact Tamsin Anderson

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Tamsin is responsible for supporting the work of our charity lawyers, providing training and briefings and making sure they stay up to date. It is also her job to make sure the Mills & Reeve's standard documents are in good shape, and in general to help the team deliver the best possible service to its clients.

Supporting your ambitions

Tamsin edits the charity law newsletter, keeps the Mills & Reeve charity law blog up to date and provides practical briefings on significant legal developments.

What else should you know?

Tamsin is a trustee of a local charity which provides education about the environmental preservation and nautical traditions of the River Deben in Woodbridge. She sings in a chamber choir based in Snape Maltings and has four musical children known as the 'Von Andersons'.


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