Tim Winn

Tim Winn


  • Birmingham
  • +(44)(0)12456 8355
  • +(44)(0)7771 820996
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What can Tim do for you?

Tim is the firm's head of best practice and compliance officer for legal practice, reporting to the Board and working principally with the firm's risk & compliance team. Prior to this appointment he advised clients on corporate, commercial, governance and regulatory matters. He has a particular interest in innovation and was one of the creators of Volume Control, a product of the firm's first Hackathon.

Supporting your ambitions

A representative project is Imperial College London's Diabetes Centre in Abu Dhabi created with a local development partner (Mubadala). The Centre provides research, treatment and public health in diabetes, which is particularly prevalent in the Middle East.

It was essential that the legal structure allowed the centre to function effectively without exposing the college to the risks of providing treatment. Through a contractual joint venture, non-contracted hours, honorary contracts and clear demarcation, we were able to de-risk the project for Imperial. The centre is so successful that a second centre has been opened at nearby Al Ain.

What do others say?

According to the Chambers UK legal directory, "Tim Winn elicits a wealth of positive feedback, and is credited with being ‘incredibly willing to make that extra effort’. Sources also say he is ‘extremely helpful in getting us to the place that we want to be’.”

What else should you know?

Tim is particularly interested in the intersection between sectors and disciplines. For example, industry-funded projects, academic health science centres and networks, digital health, medical schools and research collaborations.


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