Anthony McGurk

Anthony McGurk


  • Cambridge
  • +(44)(0)1223 222321
  • +(44)(0)7860 921357
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What can Anthony do for you?

Anthony is a corporate lawyer with nearly 30 years experience of acting for listed and private companies. His work involves helping domestic and international clients undertake mergers and acquisitions, fundraisings, and a wide range of corporate related transactions. Anthony also has significant experience of advising management teams on private equity funded transactions and exits.

Supporting your ambitions

One of Anthony's significant highlights was acting for the executive management team of Weetabix, on the sale by its private equity owner, Lion Capital, of a controlling interest to Chinese based Bright Food. Anthony worked with the management team throughout such process, ensuring their interests were protected at all times and coming up with creative solutions to overcome possible deal obstacles for the team. Anthony continued to represent the management team on Lion Capital's subsequent exit and the new investment by Baring Private Equity, and on the eventual sale of Weetabix by Bright/Baring to the US listed company, Post Holdings.

What do others say?

Following completion of a corporate transaction that Anthony worked on, the managing director said "From the start, he was enormously responsive and extremely professional.....there was a combination of good experience, great service, good advice and real delivery. it was a delight. Anthony is also a very nice guy, and a very close working relationship evolved incredibly quickly."

What else should you know?

Anthony was granted, in 2007, the Corporate Finance qualification by the Institute of Chartered Accountants, in recognition of his substantial experience of dealing with corporate work. Anthony is also in the "Legal 500 Hall of Fame" for having "received constant praise by [Anthony's] clients for continued excellence".


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