Helen Tringham

Helen Tringham


  • Birmingham
  • +(44)(0)12456 8229
  • Contact Helen

    Contact Helen Tringham

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What can Helen do for you?

Helen assists clients across a range of regulatory and litigious matters. Her expertise includes: loss of confidential information and personal data; equality and diversity obligations; the application of FOIA and GDPR; as well as drafting and advising on governance documents, policies and procedures. Helen also regularly assists clients in defending judicial review and civil claims in the High Court. 

Supporting my clients' ambitions

Helen enjoys building strong relationships with clients by understanding their specific needs and commercial drivers. She was able to protect the reputation of a client following a cyber hack where a significant volume of personal data and confidential information had been compromised. This involved liaising with multiple supervising authorities in multiple jurisdictions. When it came to notifying the ICO of the breach, due to the detail provided and Helen’s strategic input, the ICO determined that no further action would be taken. Helen also assisted in minimising the number of complaints from data subjects and other stakeholders. 

What do others say?

Legal 500 has described Helen as “an extremely competent lawyer” with “an articulate and objective analysis on issues”. 

A long standing client said about Helen that “however trying the circumstances of particular matters, it was invariably a reassurance and a pleasure to deal with [her] and have the benefit of [her] astute analysis and rigorous professional expertise”. 

What else should you know?

Helen regularly provides training on various topics including the GDPR. Feedback from delegates includes: “Very impressed with the knowledge of the speaker and the way she broke down GDPR so that it is understandable and best practice applicable to everyday situations”; the training was “succinct and informative”; “particularly excellent”; and that she was “personable”. 


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