Junaid Haroon

Junaid Haroon


  • Birmingham
  • +(44)(0)12456 8240
  • +(44)(0)7423 458181
  • Contact Junaid

    Contact Junaid Haroon

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What can Junaid do for you?

Junaid is a corporate lawyer who advises on all aspects of corporate law with a primary focus on M&A, private equity investments and disposals. Junaid leads the food and agribusiness team in the Midlands and is also one of the most experienced corporate lawyers advising clients in the independent health and care and the life sciences and biotech sectors.

Supporting your ambitions

Junaid was working with a new independent sector health client on the acquisition of a group that provided diagnostic services in the UK. Partway through the transaction, through no fault of either party, the timetable had to be truncated such that the entire transaction had to complete within five days. Junaid led the eight strong team, who used their experience of transacting in the Health sector to help the client focus on the key issues and following some intense work the transaction completed with one day to spare. The client was delighted with the outcome.

What do others say?

Junaid works with Elaghmore Partners on its UK-wide investments. Greg Koral, a partner at the fund commented that "Junaid is exceptional on two fronts (a) commercial and pragmatic solutions to problem situations and (b) client service and speed of response. Junaid is a pleasure to work with and we’ll be doing business together for many years to come."

What else should you know?

Junaid takes a keen interest in learning and development and sits on Mills & Reeve's trainee solicitor recruitment committee.

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