Richard New

Richard New


  • Cambridge
  • +(44)(0)1223 222541
  • +(44)(0)7483 319143
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What can Richard do for you?

Richard is the national head of our real estate disputes team, assisting clients in the avoidance or settlement of complex disputes.

He has extensive experience in all aspects of commercial and residential property disputes, but is particularly renowned for his work on infrastructure and regeneration projects, as well as resolving corporate occupier issues - particularly in business rates. He has helped some of the largest occupiers in the UK to save millions of pounds and has been involved in Tribunal, Magistrates' Court, High Court and Court of Appeal actions such as Cyxtera, Buzz Bingo, Principled Offsite Logistics, Hammerson v Gowlett, Store First v Moore, Great Bear, and Avison Young v Jackson.

Supporting your ambitions

You can trust us to give straightforward advice on how to find the best way through potential issues. As much of Richard's time is spent in avoiding disputes through strategic advice as in the Courts or Tribunals. Richard prides himself on giving clients commercially-focused advice, not telling them the law.  

A recent highlight for Richard was working with a valued technology client in a multi-million pound negligence claim against a contractor where there was (and still is) a valuable commercial relationship. Together, they managed to achieve a resolution without the need for litigation, despite the involvement of four different insurers, two separate mediations and months of careful negotiations over the various issues at stake.

What do others say?

Clients want advice which is pragmatic, easy to understand and which shows that we have listened to and understood their interests.

Chambers and Partners note that clients appreciate Richard's “excellent personal and organisational skills” where he can “identify and address key issues both efficiently and effectively, and clearly explain options and related implications in a clear and concise manner”.

What else should you know?

Richard is a member of the Property Litigation Association and various national and local networking forums. He is one of few honorary members of the Rating Surveyors' Association on account of his work in this area.  

He regularly leads seminars and events which are targeted both at knowledge-gathering and relationship-building, such as thought leadership dinners.


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