Construction adjudication

Adjudication in the construction industry is a fast and comparatively cost effective way to resolve disputes. The right to adjudicate is embodied in what is known as the Construction Act.

We have a team of construction lawyers who have specialised in adjudication for many years. Their understanding of the process is second to none, enabling you to receive the best tactical and legal advice.  They are used to the speed of the process and will anticipate what is likely to happen next. This not only means that you can react quickly but that you also save costs over the whole adjudication process.

Our lawyers

The team has vast experience of both bringing and defending adjudications from claims for payment to the more complex delay and defect claims.

Our experience

Our team of lawyers has been involved since the inception of adjudication. Indeed, Martino Giaquinto acted in the first reported case in 1999 - Macob Civil Engineering v Morrison Construction Ltd.

Since then the team has not only helped clients in many adjudications to get the right result for them but it has also, where necessary,  successfully taken adjudication points to the Technology and Construction Court including: 

  • Alexandra Pike was part of the team that successfully argued our client’s position in the Supreme Court in 2015 in the case of Aspect Contracts (Asbestos) Ltd v Higgins Construction plc regarding limitation periods applicable to claims for repayment of sums awarded in adjudication.
  • Martino and Gary Rushworth successfully defended an application to the court in the 2019 case of ISG Construction Ltd v English Architectural Glazing to overturn an adjudicator’s decision.

Our clients

Our clients include owners, occupiers, landlords and tenants, developers, contractors and sub-contractors, specialist suppliers and manufacturers of equipment.

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