Douglas McDonald

Douglas McDonald


  • Cambridge
  • +(44)(0)1223 222586
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What can Douglas do for you?

Douglas heads the Firm's national technology practice, which acts for fast-growth technology startups through to global technology giants.    

Douglas' own practice focuses on commercial dispute resolution, including high-value complex contract disputes, product recall, international distribution agreements, IT outsourcing agreements, injunctive relief, High Court litigation and alternative dispute resolution.  Douglas is an experienced commercial litigator with the knowledge and strategic awareness to assist clients in  securing the desired outcome.

Supporting your ambitions

Douglas often advises clients in relation to outsourced IT/software disputes, as well as advising on numerous "med-tech" contracts, which have involved electronic prescribing systems, electronic patient record systems, as well as software platforms for the sharing of data with external parties.  

Douglas has supported clients in resolving complex cross-border disputes, which have included pan-European injunctions and litigation in different jurisdictions.  In one particular case, which involved a joint venture arrangement, compliance with regulatory requirements and potential liability in excess of £100m, the client commented on Douglas' ability to 'navigate a very tricky and difficult process to reach a successful conclusion.'

What do others say?

Douglas is described as a 'capable litigator' by Legal 500 and clients have commented upon his 'sage advice' and 'clear intellect'.

What else should you know?

In 2016, Douglas was seconded to one of the Firm's "best friend" international firms and spent a month in Boston and New York to develop existing client relationships and build stronger connections with lawyers in other jurisdictions, as part of the Firm's commitment to its international practice.


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