Rachel McDonnell

Rachel McDonnell


  • +(44)(0)1603 693422
  • Contact Rachel

    Contact Rachel McDonnell

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What can Rachel do for you?

Rachel is a dispute resolution lawyer and has been helping clients to resolve their disputes for over 15 years. She has extensive experience in high value corporate and commercial litigation, banking and financial services litigation and alternative dispute resolution (including mediation). 

Rachel also specialises in financial services and corporate white collar crime investigations, including self-reporting issues, internal investigations and regulatory enforcement proceedings. 

Supporting your ambitions

Rachel supports clients in resolving complex commercial and corporate disputes, including unfair prejudice petitions, breach of warranty and indemnity claims, joint venture and shareholder disputes, product liability disputes and various other high value contractual claims.

Examples of Rachel’s recent financial services and white collar crime experience include:

  • representing a company defending a claim for USD300 million brought in the Commercial Court under several guarantees;
  • acting for a corporate entity in an investigation into whistleblowing allegations of fraudulent accounting practices; and 
  • representing various financial services firms and institutions in defence of regulatory enforcement proceedings brought by the FCA. Rachel also advises on wider remedial actions, including customer redress exercises.

What do others say?

"Rachel is extremely responsive, technically excellent and commercial in her approach. She acts as an extension of the team to provide clear guidance and strategic direction” (General Counsel of a client)


What else should you know?

Born and bred in Norfolk, Rachel spent ten years working for a leading global law firm in London before returning to East Anglia. In her spare time, when not looking after her two young children, Rachel is a keen horse rider.


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