Isobel Matthews

Isobel Matthews


  • Manchester
  • +(44)(0)16234 8800
  • 07741358377
  • Contact Isobel

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What can Isobel do for you?

Isobel is a specialist healthcare lawyer acting for ICBs, NHS Trusts and other healthcare organisations. She frequently advises in relation to the Mental Capacity Act, specifically matters which relate to deprivation of liberty and best interests challenges. Isobel also provides advice in relation to public body commissioning disputes and has experience representing clients at inquests.

Supporting your ambitions

Isobel supports those working in the healthcare sector by providing clear and thorough advice, while also building positive working relationships.

She has experience in preparing urgent court applications and attending high pressure court hearings, where she effectively reassures clients and maintains her professionalism.

What do others say?

“Isobel is beyond a shadow of a doubt the most organised person I have ever worked with...she has kept us on the straight and narrow” - former ICB client, CHC programme lead

What else should you know?

Isobel is originally from the North East, where she also trained as a solicitor. During her training contract, Isobel acted for patients which were detained under the Mental Health Act, this ultimately sparked her interest in healthcare law.

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