Planning for the future

Development of any nature is affected by the planning system. It shapes where and when new settlements come forward, what landowners can do with their existing buildings, how essential infrastructure is delivered, and more.

It has been an evolving system for many years, and it pays to keep on top of emerging issues. This is relevant to all those who own or develop real estate, or are considering investing in it, whether this is for a residential-led new settlement, a repurposing of redundant university campus buildings, a town centre regeneration project or in any other sector. 

The planning system has a significant role to play in attracting businesses to a local area, providing safe places to live, protecting the environment and heritage assets, encouraging healthy lifestyles, and much more. So, it's no wonder that it’s the subject of significant amounts of regulation and guidance and was front and centre of the Labour Party’s manifesto with the party pledging to “get Britain building again”.

Appearing true to its word, the Labour Government has hit the ground running with its plan to overhaul the planning system, launching a myriad of planning related consultations during its first six months in power. These were all targeted towards its pledge to “get Britain building again” and deliver with 1.5 million new homes over this parliament. This is in addition to publishing an updated National Planning Policy Framework and related Planning Practice Guidance.

Advances in technology in other sectors, along with the Government’s clean energy mission and support for innovation, could require planning policy to adapt further. A Government mandate to switch to electric vehicles, and increases in renewable energy and exploration of technology such as data centre waste heat recovery, could change the infrastructure requirements of new settlements.

Will the already implemented and proposed further reforms to the planning system finally “get Britain building again” and address the longstanding shortfall in housing?

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Hannah Edwards
Senior Associate

+(44)(0)1223 222291
Email Hannah

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Our buildings and communities are being redefined and repurposed. Working with clients from across the real estate sector gives us a viewpoint on the new trends evolving. On our map we look at the important changes affecting the real estate industry today and in future and offer insight on the challenges and opportunities for our sector across a range of assets and key themes. Please click on the links in the map to discover more.